WOOF award honors
unit for low fall numbers
In 2009 an award system was initiated in keeping patients safe through
the Firm Ground Fall Prevention program, known as the WOOF (With Out
One Fall) award. Each quarter this award recognizes the units with
fewer than three falls in the prior three months.
Ashely River Tower 6 EX staff is
honored with a WOOF award. 6E was the most improved in preventing falls
for the past year. To see the video, visit http://bit.ly/MUSCwoof.
Now that the WOOF award
has been given for more than a year, it is time to honor the three
units that have the lowest number of falls for the past year, the
lowest number of injuries from falls, and the most improved in
preventing falls on their unit.
On April 11, the awards
were given to 5W Main for having the lowest number of falls in the past
four quarters, (April 1, 2010 through March 31). 2TCU was awarded for
having the fewest injuries associated with falls and ART6EX was honored
as the most improved for preventing falls on their unit.
Lana Beckley, Firm Ground resource nurse and creator of the WOOF award,
and Erica Rouvalis, chair of the Patient Safety and Mobility committee,
were joined by Charlie The Riverdog to present these awards.
Satisfaction Banner winners recognized
second quarter of fiscal year 2011, the following areas, as well as
the support departments for each area, received recognition for having
high patient satisfaction results: 6East and Environmental Services;
Ashley River Tower 3West and Heart & Vascular Prep and Recovery;
Children's Surgery Clinic and Financial Services; OB/GYN Faculty Clinic
and Registration; Radiation Oncology and Clinic Coordinator;
Maxilofacial and Registration; Hollings Cancer Center Surgical Oncology
and surgery oncology registered nurses and certified medical
assistants; 4 North and Institute of Psychiatry Pharmacy; Behavioral
Medicine and Central Scheduling; Digestive Disease Center General
Endocrinology; and Hollings Cancer Center Mammography, third floor.
Representing Ashley River Tower 3W
are Lauren Powell, Erin Johnson, Jennifer Minick, Vicky Peletz, Brandi
Chisolm, Melissa Glanz, Brittany Cline, Caitlin Keilty and Gladney
Lane. The unit received a banner recognition for the highest patient
satisfaction of the quarter.
supporting staff from Heart & Vascular are Melissa Southard,
left, and Brenda Brown.