Health Professions. First-year physician assistant student (Class of 2012)
Unique talent you have
I can draw and label a map of the Western Hemisphere, on a napkin if need be.
Dream job
Working at the World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva to help create policies for the improvement of women's health
Bad habit
Frequent abuse of the "snooze button" on my alarm clock
Dream vacation
Spending three weeks backpacking through Southeast Asia and spending my afternoons getting one-hour foot massages by a pool for $5!
A must-have in the pantry or fridge
A stash of dark chocolate in the pantry and a bottle of white wine in the fridge
Greatest moment in your life
Jumping off a cliff and paragliding over the Pacific Ocean
Favorite place in the world
Cusco, Peru
What do you do on a rainy day
Sleep in, order some Chinese or Indian food and watch a couple of chick flicks or read a good book
Meal you love to cook
I like making Baklava--it's fun to layer and I feel like everyone enjoys Greek pastry for dessert.
Friday, April 29, 2011