During the month of April, MUSC Employee Wellness will offer events and programs that focus on ways to become fit for life. To raise awareness of the importance of physical fitness and to promote the idea that fitness is fun, there will be a Zumba Fest at noon, April 13 in the Horseshoe.
Zumba incorporates Latin dance to create a dynamic and effective fitness system. Instructor James Johnson from the MUSC Wellness Center will be leading what will be the largest outdoor class held at MUSC. The free event is open to the public and no experience is necessary.
Healthy vendors will also be on hand, including CSA Farmers, Giddy Goat Cheese, Roti Rolls and Happy Camper Snoballs.
Physical inactivity and unhealthy eating contribute to being overweight and obese and a number of chronic diseases, including some cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. These lifestyle-related conditions are among the most prevalent, costly and preventable of all health problems.
The leading causes of death in this country as well as South Carolina are heart disease, cancer and stroke. Sixty-five percent of adults in the state are overweight or obese and more than half of the adult population does not get enough exercise to reduce their risk for chronic disease.
That's the bad news. The good news is that leading a healthy lifestyle by avoiding tobacco use, being physically active and eating well greatly reduces a person's risk for developing chronic disease.
Employee Wellness events
MUSC employee fitness series: A free Pilates class will be held from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., April 12 at the MUSC Wellness Center. Participants will also receive a free one-day pass to the Wellness Center. E-mail musc-empwell@musc.edu to register.
Wellness Wednesday: Experts from the Weight Management Center will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 13 at the Wellness Wednesday booth outside Ashley River Tower cafeteria. BMI and body composition measurements will be available.
Mobile mammograms: The Hollings Cancer Center Mobile Van will be conducting mammograms from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 20 next to the Basic Science Building loading dock, behind the College of Dental Medicine. Call 792- 0878 to schedule an appointment
Happy Healthy Hour: A 10-week weight loss program will be held from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m Thursdays at the Institute of Psychiatry, Suite 410 South, 67 President St. The cost is $98 and payroll deduction is available. Sign up at sign up at musc-empwell@musc.edu.
Contact Susan Johnson at johnsusa@musc.edu to become involved in employee wellness at MUSC. Events, speakers, classes, or any other ideas are welcome.