To Medical Center
As we enter into the hurricane season, the management team needs to be sure everyone is familiar with their department-based weather emergency plans and relevant medical center policies. Also, employees need to be familiar with the General/Emergency Information line (aka "Green Card").
At the June 21 management communications meeting, Chris Williamson, OCIO Customer Service Center manager, gave the management team "refresher" instructions on how to record department-specific information in the General/Emergency Information system. The Weather Emergency Information line enables directors and others to record and update messages for their respective areas. During periods of hazardous weather or weather-related emergencies, employees can call their designated numbers as indicated on the cards to get the latest work-related instructions and other general information.
The Weather Emergency Card is posted on the medical venter intranet at and routinely updated as needed. Recently, laminated hard copies (Green Cards) were issued to directors for dissemination to all staff within their respective areas. Anyone who needs a Green Card can contact Angela Ladson ( or 792-6902)
On another matter, Joan Herbert, Organizational Performance director and coach, updated the management team on the medical center's fiscal year 2011-2012 MUSC Excellence action plan. The FY action plan serves to support our overall MUSC Excellence goals and includes global (organizationwide) and targeted (unit or service-specific) opportunities for improvement. Additional details are included in this newsletter.
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People–Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Employee of the Month— June
Willie Nelson, MUHA Safety and Security, came to the aid of a depressed individual by talking and counseling the person. (nominated by Paul Moss)
Missey Davis, Meduflex team, assisted an elderly visitor who accidentally fell and escorted her to the adult ED. She also took time to call and visit the visitor's sister, who was a patient in the medical center. (nominated by Stephen Schaer)
Weather Emergency Green Card
frastructure applications group, reviewed details with the green card system, an offsite voice mailbox tool used by managers to notify their employees in the event of a weather emergency. She reminded managers that they can access the system's instructions via the MUSC Web site under the weather and emergency button down and using Net ID. She advised managers to write a draft of their message (do not use acronyms) prior to recording. Managers should advise employees which phone number to call to access recorded information.
HR update
PTO cash-in incentive: due to the current financial status, this option will not be available in July or December; managing PTO hours—employees should be reminded to manage their PTO hours; PTO Conversion to ESL—as of July 1, eligible employees may choose to convert up to 40 hours of PTO to ESL, In order for each employee to convert PTO to ESL, the PTO conversion request (located in My Records) must be completed and submitted prior to deadline, conversion requests should be submitted online (via My Records) by July 13 to be reflective in ESL bank as of July 20.
For information, contact Patty Burn at
SuccessFactors update—Annual Review forms: Due Aug. 31; pillar goal results are usually available in late July, but start on your reviews now; managers must leave forms in Supervisor Review step until the pillar goal results have been entered. Save and close the form.
2012 Planning forms: Located in SuccessFactors inbox; due by Sept. 30; if an employee's job is not changing, the manager must have the employee sign once the 2012 Pillar Goals are entered; if the employee's job is changing, do not make any changes until the employee signs the 2012 Review Form; and 2012 Goal Library Achievement Guide is now available to translate common LEM goals into SuccessFactors format. Visit
Be sure to change any patient satisfaction goals to the new Avatar scale (unless you work in a Pediatric area)
New features for 2011: TeamRater—use the team rater button in the behavior standards section to rate your whole team at once for behavioral standards and Shortcuts—take advantage of new icons at the top of an employee's review form as a shortcut to access 360 forms, past performance reviews and HML documents and SuccessFactors notes.
New Employee Reception: new employees and managers hired during the 2011 first quarter are invited to attend the MUHA new employee reception, 1-2 p.m., June 22 at ART auditorium.
Employee partnership survey results: e-mail sent to managers June 20 from Press Ganey; rollout packets will be forthcoming. For information, contact Helena Bastian, or Jane Scutt,
Project Request System
Dan Furlong, OCIO, explained details of the new project submission process for requesting a new clinical project which requires OCIO resources. A new process is necessary for any project that requires two or more hours of work utilizing OCIO resources. Projects are evaluated and ranked by priority through a committee composed of leaders representing various areas of the medical center. The group meets weekly to review and rank submitted projects, which are ranked based on merit. A description of the process and ranking scale is listed in the medical center forms toolbox site on the MUHA intranet. Projects involving compliance, Joint Commission, employer of choice topics are considered top priority. Furlong suggested employees use appropriate key words to describe and distinguish their projects during the submission process.
MUSC Excellence Action Plan
Joan Herbert, director of organizational performance, updated the management team on the FY 2011-2012 MUSC Excellence action plan. The plan was based on an assessment that focused on organizational (global) and department-specific (targeted) opportunities for improvement. The plan includes continuation of some initiatives from FY 2010-2011.
Herbert stated the new leader orientation program was revised in FY 2010-2011, but going forward this will be "split" to focus upon on-boarding of new leaders plus building a set of resources (online and live) for continued leadership skills development. AIDET refreshers will be offered to all staff. Leadership "accountability" for following through on best practices for patient satisfaction and employee engagement will be an area of focus.
Efforts will continue to improve the discharge process and post discharge phone calls. The First Impressions Group made of key staff from support departments who have face-to-face interaction with visitors and patients will continue their work. The Patient Transportation team will be bringing forward their process improvement plan. Other priorities include: Avatar and HCHAPS education; bedside shift reports; nurse leader rounding on patients; physician communication; registration; radiology flow in RT; and other unit-specific initiatives.
Action O-I reports for the quarter ending March 31 as well as the annualized report (all four quarters) are both available and posted on HBI. A new security feature has users changing their passwords every 90 days. Users have 30 days to reset their password and if the password has not been reset, the account will be disabled. For information, e-mail
The next meeting is
July 19.