October is the month to make certain changes to insurance benefits. All changes go into effect on Jan. 1, 2013.
- No changes to the premiums for vision, long term disability or basic dental insurance coverage
- Medical insurance premiums for the Savings and Standard State Health plans will increase by 4.6 percent for employees and employers: for example, the employee rate for single coverage under the standard plan will increase by $2.25 per paycheck and by $7.05 for full family.
- BlueChoice HMO medical insurance premiums will be raised between approximately 16 percent and 28 percent depending on the level of coverage. Single subscribers who remain on this plan will see a $24 per paycheck increase and for full family coverage, the increase will be $110.98.
- There will be some small adjustments to the subscriber co-pays under the BlueChoice plan.
- Cigna HMO medical insurance plan will be discontinued as of Jan. 1, 2013.
- State dental and dental plus plans will begin covering dental implants as a class III procedure.
- Very slight increase to the premiums for dental plus insurance ranging from 12 cents per pay check for single coverage to 37 cents for full family coverage.
- Term life insurance rates for employees and spouses will increase by approximately 10 percent to 18 percent depending on your age category.
- You may increase the term life insurance on your life by up to $50,000.
- You cannot increase spousal life insurance without answering medical questions.
- The maximum annual contribution to a Medical Spending Account will reduce from $5,000 to $2,500 – you must re-enroll in this plan annually for it to continue in 2013
If you do nothing in October, all current insurance benefits will roll over to next year with the exception of medical spending and dependent day care accounts which both require annual re-enrollment.
If you add a spouse or children to vision coverage or kids to child life insurance and you currently do not insure them in any other way with the State, you will be required to submit to the HR office proof of your relationship to them such as a marriage license or joint tax return for spouses or long form birth certificates for children. These documents may be faxed to 792-0853 but be sure to put your full name on them.
Annual enrollment briefings for medical center staff will be held at 8 a.m., and 1:15 p.m., Oct. 15 at 2W Amphitheater or call the Benefits Desk at 792-0826.
Friday, Oct.
12, 2012