MUSC and surgeons Barton Sachs, M.D., and John Glaser, M.D., are participating in the ACADIA Facet Replacement System clinical study for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). MUSC is one of only 30 sites nationwide chosen for the study.
The study focuses on a new concept in spine surgery called facet joint replacement. The study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the ACADIA Facet Replacement System.
ACADIA is an investigational device designed to treat LSS while maintaining the motion of the spine.
LSS is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition in which the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord and nerves, causing painful symptoms in the legs, thighs, buttocks, and back. Currently, a surgical option to treat LSS is removing the compressing structures and fusing the spine. With spinal fusion, a loss of motion occurs that may affect adjacent motion segments of the spine, creating degeneration and instability.
Now, a treatment is being studied that does not require fusion. ACADIA is designed to allow motion after removing the degenerated facet joints that are compressing the nerves.
Sachs and Glaser are investigators in this study. The study is open to men and women between the ages of 21 and 85 who have been diagnosed with LSS and have had at least six months of non-surgical treatment, such as medication, injections, and physical therapy.
Additional criteria must also be met for inclusion in this study.
For more information, contact the MUSC research team at 792-3131 or email
Friday, Oct.
12, 2012