MUSC Wellness
Center's Janis Newton, center, is joined
by Bobby Shaw, facility director, and
Brittany Keithley, of Club Industry, as
they accept Club Industry's national award
for its 2012 Best Behavior Modification
Program for MUSC's Healthy Charleston
Challenge. The Healthy Charleston
Challenge is a home-grown, life-changing
weight loss program. The award was
presented Oct. 11 in Las Vegas. For five
years, the Healthy Charleston Challenge
has been helping Tri-county residents
develop healthy habits and permanent
lifestyle changes to decrease their risk
for developing chronic disease.
Participants work in teams utilizing a
personal fitness trainer, nutritionists
and mentors to meet weekly weight loss
goals. Earlier in October, the program
marked a milestone surpassing 20,000
pounds lost since the program was
established in 2007.
For information on
the Wellness Center and programs offered,
or call 792-5757.
Friday, Oct.
26, 2012