Raise your inhaler and
celebrate National Respiratory Care Week
with respiratory therapists Oct. 21 – 27.
Respiratory therapy has been an
established profession since April 15,
1947. Since that time, the profession has
grown to include licensed clinicians
involved in management, research, critical
care, emergency care education, inpatient
care, outpatient care, and even home
therapy. There are more than 209,000
practicing respiratory therapists in the
United States and many more in countries
throughout the world.
Critical Cares' Dr. Laura Lambert, left,
shares a moment with registered
respiratory therapist Lisa Kaiser.
MUSC respiratory care providers, who are
identifiable in their Caribbean blue
scrubs, have a busy week. The group
participated in the Charleston Zombie Walk
Oct. 21. Cook-offs, ice cream socials and
a drawing are also planned. Money raised
from the drawing and zombie donations will
benefit MUSC's Pulmonary Hypertension
Program and Camp Happy Days.
The third annual South Carolina Society
for Respiratory Care Coastal Educational
Forum will be held Oct. 26. This year's
speakers include Keith Borg, M.D., Ph.D.;
Carlee Clark, M.D.; Evert Eriksson, M.D.;
Neil Glover, M.D.; Luca Paoletti, M.D.;
Gerard Silvestri, M.D.; and Antine
Stenbit, M.D., Ph.D.
A 5K Fight for Air run/walk will be held
Oct. 27 on Folly Beach. Proceeds will
benefit the American Lung Association. For
information on the events, see an MUSC
therapist, who may be found in Caribbean
blue scrubs.
Friday, Oct.
26, 2012