Raymond F. Anton, M.D.,
Distinguished University Professor at
MUSC, was named one of the top addiction
psychiatrists in the country by U.S. News
Top Doctors.
Raymond Anton
This listing is based
on a peer nomination process, and the star
icon listed next to Anton's name denotes
that he is considered to be among the top
1 percent in the nation in his specialty.
Anton, in the Department of Psychiatry
& Behavioral Sciences, is currently
the director of the Center for Drug and
Alcohol Programs and an international
expert in medication treatment for
He said he was honored
to be nominated by his peers.
"I and the center have
been recognized by addiction specialists
for the important research on the root
causes of alcoholism and other addictions
and for testing new medication treatment
approaches to reduce and/or abolish
craving, drinking and other drug use. We
are pleased to offer this cutting-edge
research while bringing the newest ideas
on prevention and treatment of alcoholism
and other addictions to the people of
South Carolina."
U.S. News Top Doctors
was developed in collaboration with Castle
Connolly Medical Ltd., publisher of
America's Top Doctors and other guides,
and was built upon data from Castle
Connolly's Top Doctors. The list is to
help consumers find the doctors who can
best address their needs. The guide
identifies the top doctors across a wide
range of specialties and subspecialties
and for more than 2,000 diseases, medical
issues and procedures.
To see the list, visit
To learn more about the Center for Drug
and Alcohol Programs, visit www.CDAP.musc.edu
or www.alcoholanddrugabuse.org.
Friday, Nov.
23, 2012