Dawn Brazell
Public Relations
Morgan Porter's
hope chest holds the typical array
of treasures that a 3-year-old
girl would cherish, from stuffed
animals to princess stickers.
Morgan Porter enjoys
some pet therapy at MUSC as she
waits a heart transplant that
happened early in the morning
hours Jan. 25. Watch the video:
Then there are
the other items – the art she drew
in the atrium of MUSC's Chidren's
Hospital, a sterilized heart pump
and the sling she used with her
mechanical Berlin Heart. The
device helped her wait the almost
six months it took to get a heart
for her transplant that happened
in the early morning hours of Jan.
Morgan, who's
recovering well, no longer needs
the cart or the mechanical pump
that used to be like an appendage
for her, but her mother, Sarah,
said the keepsake items from that
time in her life belong in her
"This was part
of her six months here – think
about it. She's 3 1/2 years old so
this has been a good portion of
her life. It's part of God's plan.
She may not remember because she's
3, but we'll show her because this
was part of her life here," she
said, her eyes tearing.
"I'm so
thankful for everyone here. It's
hard to put in words. This place
will always remain part of our
family no matter how many years go
by. It'll hold a special place in
our hearts. This journey has now
defined Morgan and who we all
Morgan's parents
Robert and Sarah Porter
celebrate a successful
transplant surgery with nurse
Laura Haley, who sees the
Porters as family.
transplant surgeon, Minoo
Kavarana, said the average wait
time is a month to 75 days for a
heart transplant, with Morgan's
wait being close to six months.
She had developed antibodies that
made it difficult to match a heart
for her, he said. Her long stay
allowed the staff to really bond
with the Porters.
"They are just
like family," he said. "They've
blended in very well. They're a
well-educated and pleasant couple,
very understanding, definitely
with a lot of patience. You can
imagine having a child in the
hospital for six months in a very
critical condition with an
artificial heart."
Dr. Minoo
Kavarana said
it would be hard not to fall for
"She's the most
delightful child. She's beautiful
and bubbly. I very rarely saw her
upset or crying. She's always a
very happy child."
Her surgery,
which lasted from 10:30 p.m. to 7
a.m., required going back in
through scar tissue to remove the
devices that supported her heart,
putting her on the heart-lung
machine to remove her heart and
then implanting the new heart.
This is the third pediatric heart
transplant involving the Berlin
Heart that he's done, and he
praised efforts of all on the
interdisciplinary team that helped
make it a success.
MUSC doctors and
nurses work together to give
Morgan Porter a new heart Jan.
25. From left, Angela Allen,
R.N., Drs. Minoo Kavarana and
Sunil Panwar; far right seated
is Jeffrey Acsell, MUSC
perfusionist, and Katie Faella,
MUSC student.
No matter how
many he does, each one feels like
a miracle.
"It starts off
being a lot of hard work and
effort, but when you see something
like that work, it's truly
miraculous. It's something that's
very gratifying. Not a lot of
things can feel like that. This is
why pediatric heart surgery and
congenital heart surgery is one of
the most gratifying fields."
Laura Haley,
R.N., said it'll be hard to adjust
to not having Morgan around once
she gets discharged. Haley, who
was on duty when the Porters
learned that Morgan was to receive
a heart, cried when she got the
news. She was elated and nervous,
glad to be on duty to help Morgan
prepare and recover from her
transplant operation.
loves Morgan. Morgan will be a
part of my life now. She's like
our unit cheerleader. She cheers
us up. It's hard after
six-and-a-half months not to have
a friendship. When you live in the
hospital, you have to make it
The Porters
Her father,
Marine Corps Maj. Robert Porter,
is an F/A-18 Hornet pilot who
served in Operation Enduring
Freedom and Operation New Dawn. He
and his wife have an almost
2-year-old son, Owen, so it's been
tough juggling family life. They
took their daughter to the
pediatrician last July because she
didn't seem to be herself. They
were referred to MUSC for what
they thought would be a routine
referral and found out Morgan
would need a heart transplant.
It turned their lives upside down.
Sarah said it was like going from
0 to 60 miles per hour in just
seconds. They learned July 27 that
Morgan's cardiomyopathy would
require her to get a Berlin Heart,
a ventricular assist device that
uses external pumps to relieve the
load on the heart's ventricles, as
a bridge to await a heart
Dr. Minoo Kavarana
holds Morgan's new heart in his
hands before the transplant.
"It was
daunting in the beginning. Once
they started talking heart
transplant, bridge to transplant,
it was scary. In hindsight now, it
was the best thing because it
saved her life, and it was the
perfect bridge to transplant
because she has a heart."
Robert said all
the days seemed to blur together,
but their bond with the staff kept
"Each day you
see the care Morgan receives, one
minute her nurses are her best
friends and playmates, the next
they're admitting her from surgery
and being the caring professionals
they are. The doctors, nurses, and
everyone here truly are special
people and special to us."
The wait to get
a heart was a roller coaster ride.
Sarah said she had her good days
and bad, but she found she could
confide in the nurses. Morgan, who
likes to dance, would cut up and
joke with the staff.
"We didn't know
how long we would be here.
Everyone here has just embraced
us. I get choked up talking about
it because it's been our home.
Morgan is like their little mascot
here. It's like Morgan's room is a
refuge from the sadness. She would
always make everyone laugh or have
a dance party."
Robert said
Room 7 of PCICU was essentially
Morgan's room, and it will always
hold special memories even though
she's not there anymore. It was
where he was curled up in bed one
afternoon with Morgan when they
learned Jan. 24 that her heart was
They are eager
for Morgan to be able to do normal
activities, such as going to the
park and shopping. There's no way
he and Sarah can express their
gratitude to the donor family,
whom they've often thought about.
"Thank you
doesn't do it justice. The grief
they have to be going through with
what has surely turned their lives
upside down, but in that moment,
they thought of giving someone
else the chance for life," he
"I hope they
get some comfort knowing their son
or daughter has truly given the
gift of life to another and a part
of their child will live on with
Morgan—literally, spiritually,
whatever way you want to look at