White, leader of the Plantation
Singers, performs at a celebration
held on John's Island. More than
200 people attended, including
volunteers from MUSC Presidential
Scholars, as MUSC researchers
explained results from various
projects, including the Center for
Health Disparities Research.
Topics included studies on
diabetes, dental disease, lupus
and cancer (Hollings Cancer Center
(CADRE). Research participants
also shared their stories.
Above, Dr.
Jyotika Fernandes attends Building
Bridges through Research. The
event allows health care
professionals and community
members to build bonds.
Project SuGar
COBRE (Dental
disease): http://www.ncrr.nih/gov
SLEIGH (Lupus):
Diabetes): http://www.muschealth.con/neurosciences/about/stroke/reach.htm