Employee Wellness
- "Pitch The Pack" Smoking Cessation Clinics: Monthly three-session cessation clinics facilitated by a multi-disciplinary team, including physicians, psychologists and trained staff free of charge for MUSC employees, students and family members. The next clinic will be held at 5:30 p.m. March 5, Room 102, Colbert Eduation Center & Library. Visit http://mcintranet.musc.edu/health1st and click on "Smoking Cessation Enrollment Form" to register or email musc-empwell@musc.edu for information.
- Non-Smoking Section: Offered by MUSC's Institute of Psychiatry, one-hour Quit Smoking class from noon - 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday at the Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs, 4-North. The class is conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist and offers tips and suggestions to help achieve a smoke-free lifestyle. The next class is scheduled for March 7, anyone is welcome to attend; no pre-registration needed.
- Wellness Wednesday: March is National Nutrition Month and the focus is to "Get Your Plate in Shape." Join MUSC dietetic interns from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. outside the cafeteria at Ashley River Tower as they provide nutrition tips, interactive games, prizes and free food.
- Lunch & Learn: "Snack Time not Guilt Time." Join Lisa Hanhauser, registered dietitian, to learn about the benefits of healthy snacking, including examples of healthy snacks and how they can fit into a calorie-controlled diet from 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. March 8, Room 102, Colbert Education Center & Library. Space is limited, register at musc-empwell@musc.edu. Participants will receive a 10 percent off coupon for the Wellness & You item featured in the main hospital cafeteria.
- Worksite Screening: March 14 in Room 803, Harborview Office Tower. This screening, valued at about $350, is available to employees with the State Health Plan for $15 (covered spouses can also participate for $15). Employees and spouses without this insurance can participate for $42. The screening includes: height, weight, blood pressure and a blood draw for a blood chemistry profile, hemogram, and a blood lipid profile. To register, visit http://www.musc.edu/medcenter/health1st and click "Worksite Screening."
Email johnsusa@musc.edu to become involved in employee wellness at MUSC or for a listing of additional events.
March 2, 2012