by Cindy
Public Relations
campus' most talented student
leaders and volunteers shined
during an evening filled with
praise at the annual MUSC
Student Leadership Award and
Service Banquet April 11.
Hosted by
the Office of Student Programs
and MUSC Gives Back, the event
recognized individual students
and student teams and honored
eight inductees into the MUSC
Student Leadership Society.
Students were selected based on
their effectiveness for working
with diverse groups, character,
integrity, interprofessional
characteristics and potential as
leaders in their own profession,
health care or biomedical
The 2012 inductees
of MUSC's Student Leadership
Society include Ryan Rhome,
College of Graduate Studies;
Oday Alsarraf,
Ophthalmology-Medicine; Janna
Cone, College of Health
Professions; Margaret Croom, SC
College of Pharmacy; Brandon
Hagan, College of Dental
Medicine; Daniel West, College
of Dental Medicine; Ashley
McColl, College of Nursing; and
Mia V. Taylor,
Mark S.
Sothmann, Ph.D., vice president
for academic affairs and
provost, reminded students that
leadership is not a static but a
transitional, non-permanent
state, speaking about the
ongoing transformational
outcomes related to health care
leadership awards were presented
by Darleen Shaw, Ph.D.,
associate provost for education
and student life.
recognized were students and
student organizations for their
involvement with the Gives Back
Community Volunteer Awards.
Gives Back director Liz Sheridan
continues to respond to student
and community requests for
volunteer assistance and support
throughout the Tri-county. In
2011, students contributed more
than 17,000 hours in 109
Lowcountry partnerships.
MUSC's student community is rich
with service-minded student
leaders, I feel many students
deserve to be recognized. I grow
prouder each year to be
associated with our students as
they grow in their leadership,
achievements and service
activities," said Sheridan.
Dental Medicine — Psi Omega
Dental Fraternity; Individual:
Mary Alice Hughes.
Graduate Studies — Multicultural
Graduate Student Association;
Individual: Joe Taylor.
Health Professions — Occupational
Therapy Class of 2013;
Individual: Melissa Kubinski.
Medicine — Women
Interested in Surgical
Experiences; Individual: Thomas
Nursing — Multicultural
Student Nurses Association;
Individual: Lindsey Palmer.
Pharmacy — Kappa Psi
Fraternity: Individual: Diane
Universitywide Organizations — CARES – A free
clinic operated by student
volunteers to provide health
care for people without
Humanitarian Award
The 2012 Dr.
Charles H. Banov Humanitarian
Award is presented to Gino
"Gini" Ikwuezunma, center, a
College of Medicine (COM), Class
of 2013 student and Masters in
Clinical Research program
candidate. Banov joins Wanda
Taylor, COM admissions director
as one of two faculty who
nominated Ikwuezunma.