Medical Center Employees
center town hall meetings have
been scheduled to take place
from May 16 – June 1 at the
times and locations listed
below. There also will be some
town hall sessions conducted in
conjunction with departmental
meetings not reflected in the
schedule below. Town hall
meetings topics will include:
update on our pillar-based
goals; recognition of
exceptional achievements of
employees and departments;
discussion concerning the
employee commitment survey
participation rate and plan for
rollout of results; and general
comments concerning the MUSC
Health strategic plan, Joint
Commission accreditation survey
outlook and Magnet journey. We
will continue the 30 minute town
hall format. Attendance is
strongly encouraged.
On another
matter, as announced earlier
this year, the Computerized
Annual Training and Tracking
System (CATTS) mandatory lessons
now correspond with the July 1 –
June 30 universal performance
review period. All mandatory
lessons need to be completed by
June 30. Everyone's attention to
this and cooperation by
completing the mandatory lessons
by the June 30 deadline is
Thank you
very much.
Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical
and Executive Director, MUSC
Medical Center
Town Hall
Meeting Schedule
May 17: Noon, 2
West Amphitheater, and 2 p.m.,
Storm Eye Institute Auditorium; May
18: 10 a.m., Ashley
River Tower Auditorium; May
21: 10 a.m., Ashley
River Tower Auditorium;
May 22: 9 a.m., Storm
Eye Institute Auditorium; May
24: 10 a.m., 2 West
Amphitheater; May 29:
7:30 a.m., Ashley River Tower
Auditorium, and 10 a.m., 2 West
Amphitheater; May 30:
7:30 a.m., 2 West Amphitheater,
and 11 a.m., Institute of
Psychiatry Auditorium; May
31: 7:30 a.m. and 1
p.m., Ashley River Tower
Auditorium, 11 a.m., 2 West
Amphitheater; and June 1:
10 a.m., 2 West Amphitheater.
employee pride and loyalty
Employee of the
Cassandra Poole, an administrative
coordinator with Volunteer and
Guest Services, was recognized for
her dedication and effort in
providing transportation for an
overnight concierge team member
who experienced car trouble and
could not get to work. On her own
time, Poole picked up the coworker
and escorted him to the university
hospital (by Katy Kuder).
HR update
Kim Duncan, MUHA HRIS manager,
presented the following:
• SuccessFactors – Employees who
transfer between July 1 and Aug.
31: Previous supervisor will
complete review and new supervisor
completes the planning form;
Transfers during the fiscal year:
New supervisor completes review
and planning form; For an employee
in a new job more than six months:
the employee will be evaluated on
their new job duties using new
pillar goals; for employees in a
new job less than six months:
access "Getfeedback" button in
SuccessFactors; email between
current and prior supervisor; or
provide paper notes between
current and prior supervisor
• How do I decide which job duties
to use? New duties: current and
former job are similar; long
enough to rate on new duties; and
use regular planning form; Prior
duties: current and former job is
different; not long enough to rate
on new duties; and use
transitional planning form;
Combination: feedback from current
and former jobs are different;
long enough to rate on new duties;
and use transitional planning form
• Which Pillar Goals should I
assign? Managers can apply goals
to current job, prior job or a
combination of both
• Review forms are first sent to
employees and then sent to
supervisors on or before June 1;
Supervisors can allow employees
more time to complete the review
even after the May 31 deadline by
using the Send Back Employee Self
Review button; employees hired
April 1 or afterwards will not be
rated in 2012.
• Users can use a number of tools,
games and tutorials to help
employees throughout the
self-review process. All tools are
located on the SuccessFactors
training site:
• Classes (All classes will occur
at 9 a.m., Room 438, Colbert
Education Center and Library)--
Employee self review: May 22;
Annual review for new leaders and
administrative support staff: June
13, July 18 and Aug, 8,; Refresher
for leaders and administrative
support staff: June 28, July 11
and July 26; and Reporting class:
July 26 and Aug. 1. Register for
all classes via CATTS.
• For information, contact
Michelle Foreman, 792-6219 or Kim
Duncan, 792-1962
Phishing and privacy
Annette Drachman, J.D., MUHA Legal
Affairs director, gave a HIPAA
update and spoke to managers about
campuswide problems with email
phishing. Phishing is when
individuals use emails to gain
personal and vital information
from others under false pretense.
She reminded employees to be
cautious sharing information
online. Employees should not
respond to and delete any
suspicious emails. MUSC and MUHA
will never ask employees to verify
vital information or provide their
password by email. Each reported
incident must undergo a timely
evaluation and research to
determine if a privacy breach has
been violated.
To send an email that contains any
patient information, the file or
contents must be encrypted. Visit
Drachman told
employees to be cautious regarding
their social media posts. Any
information that's patient-related
should not be posted and is a
violation of HIPAA laws.
Compliance team is always
available for staff education.
Contact Reece Smith, 792-7795.
– Providing quality patient care
in a safe environment
Wayne Brannan, University Risk
Management director, spoke about
fire safety and alarm activations
of the medical center's fire
systems. Brannan specifically
spoke about recent fire alarm
activations in the university
hospital in March and May, and
asked managers to review their
unit or department's fire plan
Brannan praised hospital employees
for their quick response the
evening of March 24 during an 8th
floor fire incident. Staff
relocated patients from the 8th
and 9th floors and worked with
Respiratory Therapy for patient
support. He recognized
Musculoskeletal Service Line
manager Nancy Tassin, R.N., who
served as hospital communications
officer for that incident.
The next meeting is scheduled June