A call for nominations is under way for the MUSC Women Scholars Initiative Award for Advancement of Women Faculty.
The purpose of the award is to recognize the MUSC faculty member who best demonstrates excellence in his or her commitment to the advancement and promotion of women faculty at MUSC. This annual award will be announced during Faculty Convocation, and in addition to a commemorative plaque, the recipient will receive a monetary award from the MUSC Foundation
To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be a full-time faculty member at MUSC. Male or female nominees are welcomed.
Application materials include a completed nomination form; a one-page letter of support from the person making the nomination; two additional supporting letters; and the nominee's bio that includes examples of their investment in faculty development efforts.
Nomination packets should be submitted as one single PDF file to Miriam Hutto (huttojm@musc.edu) no later than 5 p.m., July 13.
Questions regarding the application process should be directed to Mary Mauldin, chair, Award Selection Committee.
For information, visit http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/womenscholars/index.htm.