The MUSC College of Nursing (CON) online graduate program has been ranked in the top 20 in the country by U.S. News & World Report's 2013 Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs.
In 2012, U.S. News & World Report scored the college among the top 50 graduate nursing schools out of more than 450 schools surveyed.
The methods used by the U.S. News in 2013 were based on additional comprehensive data from the 2012 surveys in order to give applicants a better understanding of program strengths. MUSC's CON online graduate program includes both master's and doctoral degree tracks.
The college offers online programs that award a master of science in nursing (MSN) degree, a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree, and a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in nursing degree. More than 250 individuals enrolled for fall 2012 courses in the MSN, DNP and Ph.D. programs.
An upcoming application deadline for the college's online DNP program is March 15. Learn more about the DNP program at
CON advances in research funding
In addition, the College of Nursing placed 21st among more than 700 U.S. nursing schools on the National Institutes of Health's research funding list. This is the third time the college has achieved a national ranking, coming in at 30th in 2011 and 48th in 2010.
With a number of large NIH grants awarded in 2012, the nursing faculty researchers brought in about $3.5 million in research funding. With this funding, the college continues to make a difference in improving the quality of health care in the advancement of nursing research.
According to College of Nursing Dean Gail Stuart, Ph.D., R.N., these national rankings attest to the outcomes of the nursing program at MUSC. "Our innovative and dynamic faculty, staff and students are clear leaders, not only in the region but nationally."
Friday, Feb. 8, 2013