To Medical Center Employees:
Last month MUSC President Dr. Ray Greenberg issued a letter to medical center employees concerning financial challenges we are facing. He emphasized the impact of $30 million in annual Medicaid reductions that we have already experienced, and with the outlook of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement reductions in the range of $60 million in the future. These changes require us to analyze how we do business and what we need to do to ensure our organization's success as we move forward.
In early January, the medical center leadership team sought assistance from the Huron Consulting Group to formulate an action plan to improve operational and financial performance while delivering high quality care. We are not looking for "business as usual" and we have to turn every stone to determine ways to improve organizational performance. We will be taking advantage of Huron's expertise while continuing to focus on the cost savings initiatives (often referred to as "5 and 5") that have been under way for some time. We will be referring to this organizationwide effort as "MUSC Performance Excellence." As progress is made, details will be widely communicated.
Our action plan will include assessments of all aspects of our work including human resources, labor (staffing), pharmacy programs, supply chain, physician services, revenue cycle and other functions as needed, such as shared services opportunities. We will assess all functional areas including most cost centers to focus on opportunities to improve productivity.
The MUSC Performance Excellence initiative does not focus solely on the medical center (MUHA). Everyone throughout the MUSC organization who interacts with the medical center in some fashion will need to examine behaviors and practices which have a bearing on costs.
Some limited cost savings involving human resources practices (such as leave and premium pay) have already been implemented or implementation is underway. Details concerning these human resources matters can be found on the MUSC Excellence website ( Plans are being made to disseminate additional details on this website and through other venues as progress is made.
On a related matter, a series of town hall meetings will be held throughout March. The town hall meeting times and locations will be posted soon and will include department-based sessions and open sessions. Agenda topics are being finalized and are expected to include: introduction of the current Executive Medical Director Dr. Pat Cawley as the new medical center executive director; progress with MUSC Performance Excellence; discussion of the state Medicaid Expansion issue; explanation of "meaningful use;" recognition of high performers and other topics of interest.
In my role as interim executive director, it has been a pleasure to work with the leadership team and others these past five weeks and I will remain on the job until the end of March. I am confident that MUSC is taking the right steps to address the challenges we face. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Kester Freeman
Interim Vice President for Clinical Operations and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People – Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Deborah O'Donnell, director of Risk Management, shared wins from patients and their families for services from Storm Eye Institute, 10West, 9East, Mood Disorders Clinic, 1West-Adult ED, 5West, 5East, Ambulatory Surgery, MUSC Health East Cooper Neurology, Orthopaedics, Pathology, and 6East Ashley River Tower.
March town hall meetings
A MUHA town hall meeting review will occur in the March 5 hospital communications meeting.
The town hall meetings will occur throughout March. The medical center and department schedule for these meetings will be communicated with staff soon.
Benefit of the Month – February
Kelly Crowley, PharmD, Ambulatory Pharmacy Services manager, spoke to managers about the benefits of using MUSC's Outpatient Pharmacies as an easy, convenient and cost-saving option for employees and their families to fill prescriptions. To date, the Outpatient Pharmacy revenues are up 8.6 percent compared to 2012 thanks to employee and patient referrals.
Outpatient pharmacies are located in Rutledge Tower, Ashley River Tower, university hospital and Hollings Cancer Center. Special discounts are available for employees and their families enrolled in the State Health Plan. A 90-day supply can also be refilled at the retail pharmacies, including the mail order pharmacy at a slightly reduced copay than Medco. For health information, users can access Ask a Pharmacist via For information about services, visit
Service – Serving the public with compassion, respect and excellence
Joe Logan, medical center purchasing services, shared details in the medical center's policy for managing vendor representatives who visit the medical center. Logan spoke about the use of a new online tool, the Vendormate Vendor Program that is available to managers that credentials, rates and provides greater awareness and security relating to vendor representatives. According to Logan, this tool is both CMS and Joint Commission compliant. Users use an interactive dashboard. Logan invited employees to the Feb. 6 Vendormate onsite in-service training held in various hospital locations. For information, contact or visit
- MUHA HR is finalizing the revised position vacancy review process. A modified form with a more descriptive procedure will be emailed to managers.
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions relating to MUHA's cost savings action plans are now available online via the MUHA intranet under MUSC Excellence, communications meetings and cost savings communications. MNA login is required.
- United Network for Organ Sharing will be on campus to survey Feb. 19 and 20.
- The next meeting is Feb.19.
Friday, Feb. 8, 2013