by Ashley Barker
Public Relations
Students at Pinehurst
Elementary School were taught how to
safely ride a bicycle during a bike rodeo
March 1.
spent the morning learning how to safely
ride a bicycle during the Safe Kids
Trident Area bike rodeo. Employees from
the MUSC Children's Hospital, Safe Kids
Trident Area, Safe Routes to School,
North Charleston Fire Department and the
North Charleston Police Department
shared their expertise and fitted each
student with a new bike helmet.
Employees from the MUSC
Children's Hospital, Safe Kids Trident
Area coalition, Safe Routes to School
program, the North Charleston Fire
Department and the North Charleston Police
Department spent the morning sharing their
expertise with the fourth and fifth grade
The Safe Kids Trident
Area's traveling bike rodeo trailer was
brought to the event. It contains a
variety of bikes and helmets for the
students and holds equipment for the "bike
safety town," a course of cones, walls and
signs that direct children where to ride.
of the MUSC Meducare medical transport
service allowed fourth and fifth grade
students at Pinehurst Elementary School
to tour an ambulance during the Safe
Kids Trident Area bike rodeo, March 1.
Each child was fitted
with a new bicycle helmet and taught how
to wear the helmet effectively. The
students also learned to obey road signs
as they practiced riding through the
A member of the
North Charleston Police Department's
bike team watched as students rode bikes
through a course set up in the school's
parking lot.
Alicia Rhoades, the
school's nurse, said the bike rodeo was
long overdue for many of the students.
"Some of them didn't even know what a
cross walk was," she said. "We needed
help. We needed lots of help showing them
how to be safe."
Once the students
completed the bike riding portion of the
rodeo, they toured the inside of an MUSC
Meducare ambulance.
"We have a
special-needs student who the other
students sometime see being transported in
a similar type of ambulance," Rhoades
said. "Letting them look around and see
what an ambulance looks like inside was
important to the students."
For more information
about Safe Kids Trident Area, visit
About Safe Kids
Trident Area Coalition
Founded in 1996, and led by the MUSC
Children's Hospital, Safe Kids Trident
Area serves Berkeley, Charleston and
Dorchester counties and acts as a catalyst
for individuals, agencies and
organizations to come together to reduce
and prevent accidental childhood injuries
to children 14 and under. Safe Kids
Trident Area is a coalition of individuals
who work to unite resources and efforts to
combat accidental injuries through
community action, public awareness,
education and public policy initiatives.
March 8, 2013