S.C. AHEC Receives Bioterrorism, Public Emergency Grant</h>


Contact: Ellen Bank


Oct. 15, 2003

S.C. AHEC Receives Bioterrorism, Public Emergency Grant

CHARLESTON, SC —The South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC) received a $2.1 million grant to train the state’s health care workforce to respond to bioterrorism incidents and public emergencies.

Program principal investigator David Garr, M.D., said that the two-year grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration will educate health care workers in smaller sectors and rural practices.

“There are already two major grants in South Carolina devoted to public health and hospital preparedness in the event of a bioterrorist attack,” he said, “but our program aims to educate community health centers and private practices—what we call ‘first contact’ awareness.”

South Carolina’s four regional AHECs—Greenville, Lancaster, Florence, and Varnville—will administer the statewide project. MUSC hosts the program office and also serves as the administrative hub for the project, with many of the university’s faculty members acting as advisors, consultants, or trainers.

“We want to draw from the faculty’s expertise to design an appropriate training program for other health care professionals,” said Beth Kennedy, the AHEC project director.

A variety of discipline-specific workshops provide a key element of the training program. For example, if a dentist encounters a patient who exhibits an unusual hypersecretion of saliva or rapid tooth decay following a bioterrorism scare, the patient’s overall health may have been affected, and public health may be at risk.

The program’s workshops will teach health care professionals how to manage these discipline-specific concerns.

AHEC and MUSC’s College of Health Professions cooperated in designing a Web site to distribute information statewide. According to Kennedy, the site will contain educational materials, online courses, and self-tests for interested professionals.

“The Web site is a great interactive tool because it provides valuable information to health care workers who are too busy to attend our workshops,” she said.

The site includes links to each of MUSC’s five colleges, detailing which faculty members are involved in the training program.

Similarly, the project plans to install a videoconferencing system among the four regional AHECs. Garr explained that videoconferences help in the instance of a guest speaker’s visit to one of the regions; each administrative hub could share a live feed of the speaker, keeping everyone current on training information.

Finally, the consortium plans to schedule emergency drills and “table-top sessions” to test the preparedness of each region.

In an emergency drill, health care workers confront a simulated catastrophe that requires them to mobilize to a certain area, assess the situation, and take the necessary precautions with regard to victim care and safety measures.

A table-top session allows health care professionals to take a mental walkthrough of a public emergency. Selected trainees meet to discuss a theoretical incident and to outline how their training has influenced their decision-making.

The two exercises will determine the effectiveness of the training program, as the consortium analyzes and tweaks any problem areas.

Although much of the project focuses on bioterrorism, AHEC wants to prepare health care professionals to manage any situation that where public health is at risk, including train wrecks, public bombings, and natural disasters.

The consortium also included social and mental health professionals in the training program, because the aftermath of a public emergency can be just as devastating as the event itself. Although these professionals may be trained to help victims deal with the stress and swirl of emotions that follow a traumatic event, social and mental health workers rarely see such occurrences on an epidemic scale.

Although the project teaches community health centers to manage the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of a bioterrorist attack or public emergency, AHEC also spreads general awareness.

About half of the South Carolina’s medical residency programs operate in conjunction with the Area Health Education Consortium.
“I think the grant affords people the opportunity to learn more about

South Carolina’s Area Health Education Consortium,” Garr said. “The South Carolina AHEC has trained health care professionals in our state for more than 30 years, and this project will permit us to continue this important work.”
