'The Circle' Helps Guide Families, Caregivers Through the Tragedy of Dementia


Contact: Mary Helen Yarborough


Sherry Cannon (MUSC Center on Aging)


Sept. 27, 2006

'The Circle' Helps Guide Families, Caregivers Through the Tragedy of Dementia

Charleston -- A new book for baby boomers and others with families facing dementia and Alzheimer's disease will be released Oct. 1 in the Charleston market and across the Lowcountry. The book also will soon be available in stores nationwide.

Sally Smith, whose inspiring personal account--closing the family home and moving her mother into an assisted living facility--resulted in a book that critics have said is: "healing, hilarious and very helpful to those of us sharing similar experiences."

This book, "The Circle," was given as a gift to the Medical University of South Carolina and published to raise awareness and support for research into Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia, vision and hearing loss and other age-related problems. One hundred percent of the net proceeds will benefit research at MUSC on these and other age-related illnesses.

"The Circle" is unique in that is addresses the emotional and human side of dealing with dementia while most available books concentrate on impersonal medical practicalities. "There is a need for such a book," said Debbie Bordeau, MUSC's development director for Neurosciences and the Center on Aging. "Consider that within a year, 10,000 people will turn 60 every day in the United States. This aging rate is expected to continue for the next 20 years."

For those who have read the book, responses have included: "I used it like a map and I stayed connected. /Öit was a balm for fractured families; /There is strength in the [book's] honesty. Örequired reading for our age group!/"

The publication has spawned upcoming conferences that focus on the issue covered in the book. These conferences will take place in South Carolina and Tennessee and include a panel of medical and legal experts who will offer guidance to caregivers.

To obtain a copy of "The Circle" directly, or for other information, contact the Center on Aging at www.musc.edu/aging or by calling 843-792-0712.

[In the Charleston area, the book will be available at Barnes & Noble, Historic Charleston Shops, Waldenbooks, Books-A-Million, the MUSC Bookstore and other independent book retailers. Nationally, it is available through Ingram Books and bookstore chains.
