South Carolina Program Becomes National Model


Contact: Ellen Bank


Dec. 20, 2005

South Carolina Program Becomes National Model

CHARLESTON --South Carolina's Medically Fragile Children's Program has been recognized by the National Association of Children's Hospitals (NACHRI) as a national model. The South Carolina initiative was chosen as the first program to be highlighted in a series of case studies of successful and innovative state programs.

A detailed description of the program with a question and answer session with John Sanders, administrator of the MUSC Children's Hospital, was placed on the NACHRI website.

The Charleston program opened in this summer under the auspices of the MUSC Children's Hospital, following the pattern of the two other successful programs in the state. The Charleston, program, however, is the only one linked administratively to a children's hospital.

The program provides comprehensive medical care to children with complex medical conditions, covering, under one roof, all aspects of care (i.e., primary medical care, physical therapy, occupations therapy, speech therapy, nursing, nutrition counseling, medication, supplies, durable medical equipment, family, support and education/training).

Housed in a stand-alone 8,500 square foot facility in North Charleston, the program provides superior medical service to children on Medicaid while realizing significant per child savings over less coordinated fee-for-service treatment.

"The National Association of Children's Hospitals is very excited to highlight the accomplishments of the South Carolina Medically Fragile Children's Program (MFCP) in the first in our series of case studies on innovative state Medicaid programs. MFCP is an example of a successful partnership between children's hospitals and a state to improve care for children while also reducing Medicaid costs," said Peters D. Willson, vice president for public policy, National Association of Children's Hospitals.

The Website highlighting the South Carolina program is

"Many states are changing the way state Medicaid programs do business," said Pat Votava, manager of the Medically Fragile Children's Program in Charleston. "Children's hospitals throughout the United States are looking for new and innovative ways to work with their state Medicaid programs." She said that within several days of the release of the national case study the MUSC Children's Hospital has been contacted by physicians and children's hospitals across the country requesting additional information about the program and expressing interest in recreating the program in their respective areas.
