Contact: Ellen Bank


Nov. 1, 2000

Leader in Agromedicine Recognized with Palmetto Award

CHARLESTON, SC (November 1, 2000) * Dr. Stanley Schuman of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) will be presented the Order of Palmetto Award by Nick Theodore, senior counsel to the Governor, at the annual of meeting of the South Carolina Cattlemen's Association meeting in Greenville on November 3.

The award is the highest honor given by the Governor and recognizes public service. Schuman was nominated for the award by Gene Cornett, M.D., a Piedmont resident and President of the S.C. Cattlemen's Association.

Schuman has been on the Medical University faculty since 1973 and serves as professor of family medicine, pediatrics and epidemiology. In 1984, he led the initiative to develop and implement the South Carolina Agromedicine Program, an inter university project of the MUSC and Clemson University. The program's mission is promoting safe, healthy and efficient production of food and fiber using the latest advances in agricultural technology, integrated pest management and preventive medicine.

The program now includes a statewide network of Agromedicine consulting physicians who serve as local resources on agricultural medicine. It provides regular farm/health related seminar for medical personnel, farm families and community organizations The South Carolina program became a model for agromedicine programs in other states.
