Contact: Ellen Bank


Nov. 3, 2000

MUSC Veterinarian Joins HHS Committee on Xenotransplantation

CHARLESTON, SC -- M. Michael Swindle, DVM, professor and chairman of the MUSC Department of Comparative Medicine, has accepted an invitation by Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala to serve a three-year term on the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Xenotransplantation.

Xenotransplantation is the transplantation of animal organs to humans, which is currently in the experimental phases. Swine appear to be the most likely organ sources. Swindle was selected as the veterinary member because of his expertise with swine in research and his previous service on committees that developed the Food and Drug Administration and World Health Organization guidelines.

The Secretary's Advisory Committee on Xenotransplantation considers the full range of scientific, medical, social and ethical issues and the public health concerns raised by Xenotransplantation including ongoing and proposed protocols, and makes recommendations to the Secretary on policy and procedures. The recommendations of the committee will facilitate DHHS efforts to develop and integrated approach to addressing emerging public health issues associated with xenotransplantation.
