Dr. David McSwain, MUSC pediatric critical care specialist, left, uses the hand held-examination camera to demonstrate part of the telemedicine cart to Dr. Joseph Ratliffe at Georgetown Memorial Hospital.
Dr. McSwain, left, uses the hand-held examination camera to demonstrate part of the telemedicine cart to Dr. Joseph Ratliffe at Georgetown Memorial Hospital.
The telemedicine cart uses an high definition camera that can be controlled by the doctors at MUSC.
The hand held examination camera, left, and the Bluetooth stethoscope are just two of the tools used on the telemedicine cart.
Dr. McSwain talks about the high definition camera on the cart that can be moved remotely by the physicians at MUSC.
Dr. McSwain, center, demonstrates the ease of the telemedicine cart to the hospital staff at Georgetown Memorial Hospital.
Dr. McSwain answers questions from staff at Georgetown Memorial Hospital about the new telemedicine cart.
Dr. McSwain demonstrates the Bluetooth stethoscope that is used with the telemedicine cart to the staff at Georgetown Memorial Hospital.
Georgetown Memorial Hospital pediatric nurse, Judy Grant, tests out the bluetooth stethoscope that is part of the new telemedicine cart.