Drs. Ramin Eskandari, a pediatric neurosurgeon, left, and Jason Ulm, a plastic surgeon, handled Rhett Bausmith’s first surgery as a team.
Above is the MakerBot Replicator 2 3-D printer in the MUSC Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center.
Above is the MakerBot Replicator 2 3-D printer in the MUSC Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center.
Above is the Palmetto 3-D Printer in the MUSC Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center.
Above is the alaris30Pro 3-D printer in the Zucker Institute for Applied Neurosciences.
Above is a partially made, left, and finished 3-D skull in the alaris30Pro 3-D printer in the Zucker Institute for Applied Neurosciences.
Mark Semler, chief technology officer for MUSC's Department of Neuroscience, explains how surgeons use
3-D technology to train and perfect their skills. The model helps them plan out complicated cases, as well.

Timothy and Crystal Bausmith watch Dr. Eskandari examine their son, Rhett.

Dr. Eskandari and Dr. Ulm pose with baby Rhett a few weeks after his first surgery.