Return to Main Menu
Legal implications
of addiction discussed (Dec. 15)
National leader
takes helm of research (Dec. 15)
Love lives again
after change of heart (Dec. 15)
present diversity (Dec. 15)
behavior in children focus of IOP conference (Dec. 15)
solicited for Earl B. Higgins Award (Dec. 15)
Meet...Liz (Dec.
Nurse receives award
for extraordinary work (Dec. 15)
NLST study offers
hope for cancer patients (Dec. 15)
A Year in
Review (Dec. 15)
captures award for listening (Dec. 15)
Family Connection
SC, MUSC partner for FREE (Dec. 15)
Students take top
honors at conference (Dec. 15)
go electronic; MUSC is ready (Dec. 15)
Angel Tree generates
outpouring of support (Dec. 15)
Tips to avoid weight
gain (Dec. 15)
ISP Toastmasters club
makes its debut (Dec. 15)
Research Papers Competition set for Jan. 31 (Dec. 15)
services depts donate to troops (Dec. 15)
Colcock Hall opens doors to visitors
(Dec. 8)
Efforts to bolster
lab interest launched (Dec. 8)
shows leadership, teamwork (Dec. 8)
Early registration
for weight loss contest to be held Dec. 14 (Dec. 8)
Estrogen could be
used to stem paralysis (Dec. 8)
physicians discuss implementation of GWTG program (Dec. 8)
Meet...Percilla (Dec. 8)
New preschool fulfills
long-held dream (Dec. 8)
Holiday safety tips
available (Dec. 8)
Buy a ticket, support
Graduate Studies scholarship (Dec. 8)
High fiber diet
helps digestive system (Dec. 8)
Pediatrician presents
at Medicaid conference (Dec. 8)
Currents (Dec.
Preschool staff
committed to excellence (Dec. 1)
Researcher named
for endowed chair (Dec. 1)
Take time to know
surroundings, secure personal items at work (Dec. 1)
named in
memory of CHP graduate (Dec. 1)
Texan taken with Old
South ways, MUSC (Dec.
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (Dec. 1)
Students win
research excellence awards (Dec. 1)
(Dec. 1)
To some, a patient
means more than one (Dec. 1)
Ronald McDonald
House adds space (Dec. 1)
Eye institute
celebrates 30 years, sees brighter future (Dec. 1)
Currents (Dec.
Practice good hand
hygiene (Dec. 1)
M-cubed award honors
anesthesia doctor (Dec. 1)
employees recognized in professional book (Dec. 1)
senate meeting minutes (Dec. 1)
poised to
lead University HRM (Nov. 24)
physicians to support breastfeeding (Nov. 24)
Jam to
benefit families (Nov. 24)
Pilot child care
offered beginning Jan. 8 (Nov. 24)
Meet...Adam (Nov.
Ambulatory Care
recognizes AREA winners (Nov. 24)
Walk to school in
support of healthy living (Nov. 24)
Information on
diabetes available (Nov. 24)
DCRI researcher
adds expertise in disease (Nov. 24)
Urinary research
offers hope to males (Nov. 24)
Select a bear tag,
help a child in need at center (Nov. 17)
Family Medicine
program provides support (Nov. 17)
MUSC holiday cards on sale
(Nov. 17)
MUSC pens $40-million
deal with Siemens (Nov. 17)
center gains official designation (Nov. 17)
(Nov. 17)
workplace veterans (Nov. 17)
Project EXPORT
awards MUSC/SCSU grant (Nov. 17)
Annual reindeer run
to benefit Children's Hospital (Nov. 17)
changes useful to everyone (Nov. 17)
Response to pilot
projects: ‘tremendous’ (Nov. 17)
Wendy’s, MUSC CH
partner for Seewall (Nov. 17)
MUSC recognized as top in nation
artificial heart device success (Nov. 10)
Enrollment Mgt.
enhanced by reorganization (Nov. 10)
MUSC launches
first meth addiction center (Nov. 10)
Intensive care
unit nurse radiates respect, compassion (Nov. 10)
high cholesterol linked to Alzheimer’s (Nov. 10)
DAISY winner honored
for quality care (Nov. 10)
Q & As from
Charleston VA, MUSC hospitals proposal (Nov. 10)
Study to seek
reduced-cost drugs for poor (Nov. 10)
(Nov. 10)
Student Research Day
2006 (Nov. 10)
Information on
diabetes available (Nov. 10)
Cultural Projects
Council sponsors events (Nov. 10)
Vaccine information
for all MUSC employees (Nov. 10)
(Nov. 10)
Martin takes helm of
RD internship program (Nov. 3)
HIS department
recognized for excellence (Nov. 3)
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (Nov. 3)
Meet...Bobby (Nov.
Study focuses on
treating people to cope (Nov. 3)
November means
epilepsy awareness (Nov. 3)
Haiti trip focuses on
maintaining records (Nov. 3)
UMA presents quarterly
Applause awards (Nov. 3)
treatment offered for SUI (Nov. 3)
Letter to Dr.
(Nov. 3)
Faculty senate
meeting minutes (Nov. 3)
Epilepsy: refuting
seizure myths (Nov. 3)
Pharmacy replacement system
efficiency, control (Oct. 27)
research focus of lecture (Oct. 27)
Wireless lets you
travel, but not far or fast (Oct. 27)
Employees need
to be aware of annual, sick leave balances (Oct. 27)
UMA and CFC Family Member (Oct. 27)
Flu, whooping cough
vaccines available (Oct. 27)
Outing attracts 40
golfers with joint replacements (Oct. 27)
Meet...Bob (Oct.
Offering MUSC
Excellence in patient access (Oct. 27)
New children’s
airway clinic aims to treat, educate (Oct. 27)
As Latino population
increases, so do needs (Oct. 27)
Letter to the Editor
(Oct. 27)
Fall is here, get
that flu shot (Oct. 27)
Public Safety
statistics from Oct. 6 - 12 (Oct. 27)
Fetal brain a focus
of NIH project study (Oct. 27)
Pastoral Care Week Oct. 22 - 26 (Oct. 27)
COM students inducted
as GHHS members (Oct. 20)
Research fund board
meets with governor (Oct. 20)
Black adults in
S.C. at highest risk for cancer in nation (Oct. 20)
remembered for teaching others (Oct. 20)
Women with epilepsy
face fertility issues (Oct. 20)
Faculty senators
elected (Oct. 20)
System links PCICU
to Children's Hospital (Oct. 20)
(Oct. 20)
IRB chairman
remembered for leadership (Oct. 20)
MegaCode Kelly is
newest asset to hi-tech learning (Oct. 20)
WMC has plan
designed for you (Oct. 20)
(Oct. 20)
SCCP honors students
with scholarships (Oct. 20)
Community clinic celebrates first
year of service to underserved (Oct. 20)
Endowed chair for
state's first cardiologist (Oct. 13)
Sales of book
support Center on Aging (Oct. 13)
Staff reminded of
holiday hazards when decorating (Oct. 13)
WMC programs promote
healthy body, mind (Oct. 13)
CDM taps into
technology, partnerships (Oct. 13)
Cancer researcher
to present breast surgery findings (Oct. 13)
(Oct. 13)
SEI provides patients
with modern choices (Oct. 13)
(Oct. 13)
Moving for better
health (Oct. 13)
Departments to
receive grant to identify children with ASD (Oct. 13)
MUSC named top consumer choice for
year in a row (Oct. 6)
MUSC to offer
South’s first dual source scanner (Oct. 6)
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (Oct. 6)
Gene team to walk for
cancer cure Oct. 12 (Oct. 6)
Dental student grows
with ASDA externship (Oct. 6)
Practice safe food
handling in your own kitchen (Oct. 6)
UMA honors employees
with quarterly award (Oct. 6)
Patient ordeal
reminds all of research needs (Oct. 6)
(Oct. 6)
Dean honored with
research day endowment (Oct. 6)
MUSC, Regional
Cancer Center join national surgical project (Oct. 6)
MUSC Excellence,
surveys addressed (Oct. 6)
Green means go for
healthy food (Oct. 6)
Peds nurses to provide
statewide network (Oct. 6)
staff asked to silence pagers, phones (Oct. 6)
MUSC faculty senate
meeting minutes (Oct. 6)
MUSC gets $10.8M to fight heart
(Sept. 29)
Fish Restaurant
donates 500 teddy bears (Sept. 29)
CON faculty members
inducted into American Academy of Nursing (Sept. 29)
NIH offers
$35,000 in annual student loan repayment (Sept. 29)
Parking management
employee dies (Sept. 29)
(Sept. 29)
Nurse, airman proud
of supporting others (Sept. 29)
FRD carries science
from lab to consumers (Sept. 29)
Breast cancer risk
factors available (Sept. 29)
Severe Weather Plan
recap guides students (Sept. 29)
Public Safety
statistics from Sept. 1 - 14 (Sept. 29)
CGS strives to attract
top graduate students (Sept. 29)
ACC responsible for smooth move to center
(Sept. 29)
Health 1st offers
workshops for healthy eating (Sept. 22)
New director shapes
campuswide diversity (Sept. 22)
Students return from high altitude
mission (Sept. 22)
programs director focuses on campus unity (Sept. 22)
Employee Service
Awards, 2006 (Sept. 22)
(Sept. 22)
Program donation
fills prescription to play (Sept. 22)
National Hispanic
Heritage Month (Sept. 22)
Healthy eating
means less salt (Sept. 22)
HCC clinic dedicated to
local philanthropist (Sept. 22)
Endowed chair takes
aim at smoking-related illnesses (Sept. 22)
(Sept. 22)
Seewall opens
Children’s Hospital to sea world (Sept. 15)
Pitts conference
platform for cultural differences (Sept. 15)
Summer research
intern wins top honor at apprentice program (Sept. 15)
welcomes SACS reaffirmation review (Sept. 15)
South Carolinians
log on to Go Local-SC (Sept. 15)
Effect of
Direct-to-Consumer drug ads have unexpected results (Sept. 15)
Children with
epilepsy face challenges (Sept. 15)
(Sept. 15)
CON dean's advice:
organization, organization (Sept. 15)
Be aware of your
cholesterol level (Sept. 15)
Benefits Fair kicks off Annual Enrollment (Sept. 15)
Public Safety
statistics from Aug. 25 - 31 (Sept.15)
Letters of gratitude
to Dr. Ray Greenberg, staff (Sept. 8)
Reading program
serves as a prescription (Sept. 8)
Winner acknowledged
for critical thinking (Sept. 8)
health course prepares students for experiences (Sept. 8)
Program helps
international students (Sept. 8)
Endowed chair for
radiologist planned (Sept. 8)
MUSC opens
multidisciplinary clinic for incontinence (Sept. 8)
(Sept. 8)
Tree project supports
deployed employees (Sept. 8)
Trip to Africa offers
life-changing perspective (Sept. 8)
Exercise: The aging
antidote (Sept. 8)
Annual breakfast
allows staff to meet, greet (Sept. 8)
Wong outlines qualities
for COM students (Sept. 8)
Students don white coats as first
College of Pharmacy class (Sept. 1)
Pain management seminar
slated for Sept. 6 (Sept. 1)
Elective pre-term
births raising concern (Sept. 1)
CHP looking for ways to
expand resources (Sept. 1)
MICU staff nominate
physician for award (Sept. 1)
Advisory committee
urges double dose of vaccination (Sept. 1)
(Sept. 1)
Outlook for COP is
multidimensional (Sept. 1)
Kohl's supports Safe
Kids Trident Area with gift (Sept. 1)
Screening tests
offered for defects (Sept. 1)
MUSC faculty senate
meeting minutes (Sept. 1)
Currents (Sept.
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (Sept. 1)
Ayiku attracted to
research in Nephrology (Aug. 25)
NIH: Celiac
disease under-diagnosed, challenging (Aug. 25)
Clinic provides
specialty care for adoptees (Aug. 25)
SGA president welcomes
students to university (Aug. 25)
Hospital committed to
stroke care excellence (Aug. 25)
New procedure
restricts amount of food consumed (Aug. 25)
Dietitian wins award
for children's video (Aug. 25)
Internal Medicine
Student Career Day to be held (Aug. 25)
cultures focus of Pitts conference (Aug. 25)
Women Scholars
Initiative presents fall colloquium (Aug. 25)
Children’s program
celebrates one year (Aug. 25)
Back injuries can be
preventable (Aug. 25)
EXPORT pilot program
accepting applications (Aug. 25)
Meet...Early (Aug.
Public Safety
statistics from Aug. 11 - 17 (Aug. 25)
MUSC among first in
nation to win grant (Aug. 25)
Duke Endowment awards
$21 million to HSSC (Aug. 18)
New dental center
begins construction (Aug. 18)
needed for epilepsy disorders (Aug. 18)
Hospital provides
‘summer camp’ environment (Aug. 18)
public resources to immigrants (Aug. 18)
alters brain chemistry (Aug. 18)
Need for interpreters
spawned HOLA; more help urged (Aug. 18)
New OR named for
Surgery chairman (Aug. 18)
Convocation slated for Aug. 22 (Aug. 18)
Meet...Dina (Aug.
Futuristic health
care in a five-star setting (Aug.
Core exercise part
of fitness program (Aug. 18)
Program builds
bridges between students (Aug. 18)
SACS Institutional
Effectiveness reviewed (Aug. 18)
Public Safety
statistics from July 21 - Aug. 3 (Aug. 18)
CMH nurse honored with
DAISY Award (Aug. 11)
Information technology
training offered at TTC (Aug. 11)
BMT Program performs
700th transplant (Aug. 11)
MD/PhD student named
scholar award recipient (Aug. 11)
Time to renew parking
permits, hang tags for MUSC lots (Aug. 11)
Library receives
grant (Aug. 11)
Chair named for
gifted educator, physician (Aug. 11)
(Aug. 11)
Ergonomics Program
assists in reducing workplace injuries (Aug. 11)
PBC afflicts women with
pain, alienation (Aug. 11)
Currents (Aug.
Exercise program
needed regularly (Aug. 11)
2006 YES Campaign Donors
(Aug. 11)
Study may reveal
effective smoking cessation treatments (Aug. 11)
MUSC researchers
test possibility of growing kidneys for transplant (Aug. 4)
Professor receives
prestigious award (Aug. 4)
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (Aug. 4)
Study works to
counteract child abuse (Aug. 4)
Hospice Center opens
retreat for patients (Aug. 4)
reaches out to ‘forgotten continent’ (Aug. 4)
SACS comprehensive
standards part 4 (Aug. 4)
Meet...Agnes (Aug.
DDC adds another layer
of expertise to staff (Aug. 4)
MUSC adds another
vascular surgeon to star-studded staff (Aug. 4)
MUSC faculty senate
meeting minutes (Aug. 4)
Public Safety
statistics from July 14 - 20 (Aug. 4)
Vegetarian diet reduces
fat intake (Aug. 4)
Public Safety
statistics from July 7 - 13 (July 28)
MUSC poised to
research capacity (July 28)
MD receives
award for collaboration, empathy (July 28)
Currents (July
Employees receive
quarterly AREA awards (July 28)
Physician brings
order to emergency chaos (July 28)
High school
students dive into research (July 28)
He could quit his day
job—really! (July 28)
Student shows
hypertension, urban link (July 28)
South Carolina offers
sales, use tax holiday Aug. 4 - 6 (July 28)
researcher makes major finding in Alzheimer's trial (July 21)
gastroenterology researcher (July 21)
brings lecture
series to MUSC (July 21)
answers country's call (July 21)
key to research future (July 21)
men’s health
initiatives gain national attention (July 21)
Public Safety
brings Good Cheer to crime victims (July 21)
a major concern (July 21)
adopts open
visitation policy (July 21)
statistics from June 30 - July 6 (July 21)
Eye helps
countries through twinning (July 21)
Currents (July
Letters of
gratitude to Dr. Ray Greenberg, staff (July 14)
HHS moves to center of
preparedness (July 14)
ALS clinic opens doors among top brass,
physicians, dignitaries (July 14)
Hulsey named Robert
Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow (July 14)
Part 3 SACS
comprehensive standards (July 14)
Blood supply drops to
dangerously low levels (July 14)
2006 GME residency
awards announced (July 14)
Camp for burn injuries
celebrates 10 years (July 14)
MUSC faculty
senate meeting minutes for June (July 14)
Meet...David (July
CHP awards scholarships
to students (July 14)
Healthy habits
prevent disease (July 14)
HHS announces new
HIPAA tool for emergency planning (July 14)
Beyond blood sugar:
MUSC offers comprehensive pediatric endocrine care (July 14)
AHEC names Future
Health Professional of the Year (July 14)
MUSC Rumor Mill
separates fact from fiction (July 7)
MUSC safety, security officials
keep an eye out for Charleston (July 7)
S.C. College of
Pharmacy clears first accreditation hurdle (July 7)
Blood bank calls for
emergency donations (July 7)
Sports Medicine helps
athletes dodge curveballs (July 7)
To toss or not to
toss, importance of an expiration date (July 7)
Women's health more
than physical exam (July 7)
Meet...Nickie (July
help heal through communication (July 7)
SC AHEC training
program is nation's best (July 7)
Public Safety
statistics from June 16 - 22 (July 7)
Nurse Alliance chair
honored for leadership (June 30)
MUSC Foundation
replaces Health Sciences Foundation name July 1 (June 30)
Camp Adam Fisher: a
place of common bond (June 30)
Medical students
take advantage of DCRI's Summer Research Program (June 30)
Preparing for pets
before emergency hits (June 30)
Piggly Wiggly double
Greenbax cards are back (June 30)
2 Environmental
Services employees die (June 30)
Beware of potential
firework injuries (June 30)
(June 30)
MUSC officials
strive to ensure safe, reliable parking (June 30)
Excellence plan, staff
surveys outlined (June 30)
Taking care of achy,
stretched veins (June 30)
strengthens SCMA support (June 30)
Program facilitates progress, growth
medically fragile foster children (June 23)
MUSC first in
state to monitor ‘silent killer’ (June 23)
Free summer brown bag
training sessions to begin (June 23)
Access to get
easier by merging passwords (June 23)
OSU alumni donates 150
balls to MUSC’s OT Department (June 23)
SACS Comprehensive
Standards 2 reviewed (June 23)
(June 23)
Currents (June
Emergency Department offers acute, primary care (June 23)
Nurse coordinator
receives DAISY award (June 23)
Dental students don
white coats, commit to profession (June 23)
Cooking light
offers many health benefits (June 23)
Public Safety
statistics from June 9 - 15 (June 23)
CH volunteer remembered for hats, humor
(June 16)
Camp teaches, inspires teens toward
nursing (June 16)
Patients get connected with
GetWellNetwork (June 16)
University women's club sponsors
Todd Carter Teddy Bear Day (June 16)
Meet...Lisa (June 16)
MUSC Rumor Mill separates fact from
fiction (June 16)
Expect more pay, higher mileage
reimbursement (June 16)
Rheumatology team helps lead lung study
(June 16)
Ashley Hall, MUSC team for
valuable job experiences (June 16)
Ophthalmology: a ‘rare find
for PAs’ (June 16)
Currents (June 16)
Studies at IOP help with addictions
(June 16)
Stenbit analyzes stem cells for CF
research (June 16)
Procedure promising for esophogeal
cancer (June 9)
Award recognizes
physicians excelling in patient care, collaboration (June 9)
Med tech remembered for
camaraderie (June 9)
SC hospitals
required to disclose infection rates (June 9)
Research specialist's
courage inspires others (June 9)
Staff, faculty have
options for primary care needs (June 9)
SC Supreme court rules
for TERI employees (June 9)
Meet...Joel (June 9)
Nurse receives first,
only endowed chair (June 9)
CMN raises money for
children (June 9)
Part 1 SACS
comprehensive standards set (June 9)
MUSC faculty senate
meeting minutes (June 9)
Public Safety
statistics from May 19 - June 1 (June 9)
Cafeteria helps start
day right with healthy breakfast (June 2)
Employees are
MUSC’s ‘Keys to Success’ (June 2)
Meet...Ashley (June
MUSC readies for
hurricane season (June 2)
Health First
presents Wellness Wednesday, other events (June 2)
Public Safety
statistics from May 12 - 18 (June 2)
MUSC Family Fund
awards campaign grants (June 2)
Hannun receives
governor's award in science (June 2)
Bacro honored for use
of educational technology in teaching anatomy (June 2)
Valet parking offered
at Rutledge Tower (June 2)
rock(n)research benefits children (June 2)
Healthcare Workers of the
Year recognized (June 2)
Stem cells show
potential in heart (June 2)
CMN to broadcast from HSC June 3
(June 2)
Luxury Cars of Charleston treats
nurse of the
year with vehicle (May 26)
Heart &
Vascular Center employee dies (May 26)
Older Americans Month
celebrates ‘Choices for Independence’ (May 26)
MUSC weight center
offers diet programs (May 26)
Sen. Lindsey Graham
encourages graduates (May 26)
2006 Nursing
Excellence unit, divisional winners (May 26)
(May 26)
Currents (May
Library program wins
national award (May 26)
Public Safety
statistics from May 5 - 11 (May 26)
Smoking cessation
classes to be offered (May 26)
Children’s Hospital
announces customer service ‘Shining Star’ (May 26)
Munday elected to
joint alumni board, Houser to CHP (May 26)
Dental Medicine grad realizes her
dream (May 19)
Army nurse graduates with tools to heal
soldiers' minds (May 19)
Dental grad to follow in dad's
footsteps (May 19)
PharmD student survives tough times
(May 19)
CHP grad is ready to serve (May
Pharmacy grad flies high with
doctorate (May 19)
Life experiences, knowledge shape
graduate's path (May 19)
HSF to honor faculty members with awards
(May 19)
Meet...Joan (May 19)
Medicine grad helps form wellness,
advocacy council (May 19)
Student’s desire to help others
earns award (May 19)
MUSC program assists employees in
crisis (May 19)
MD, PhD grad receives highest honors
(May 19)
CHP grad thankful for MUSC teamwork
(May 19)
Congratulations MUSC Class of 2006
(May 19)
Senator to speak at commencement
(May 12)
MICU nurse honored with DAISY Award
(May 12)
Program helps doctors-in-training
focus on patients (May 12)
Student earns two awards for PAX2
poster (May 12)
MUSC program wins Fight for Sight
grant (May 12)
MUSC Rumor Mill separates fact from
fiction (May 12)
Nurse anesthetists grow along with
ORs (May 12)
MUSC's international banquet
celebrates past, present (May 12)
Meet...JoAnn (May 12)
Core requirements critical for
reaffirmation (May 12)
Currents (May 12)
MUSC honors MICU nurse for unique
certification (May 12)
Bone density disorders are focus of
Wellness Wednesday (May 12)
Dietitians complement medical profession
(May 12)
MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
(May 12)
HSSC pens nation’s first coordinated
statewide cancer research initiative (May 5)
Pill proven effective to treat alcoholism
(May 5)
National Hospital Week held May 7 -
12 (May 5)
Kurtz claims Graduate Studies’ teacher
of the year award (May 5)
Former NYPD cop takes Public Safety
post (May 5)
WISE conference a big success for
students, surgeons (May 5)
Currents (May 5)
Better vaccination recordkeeping urged
(May 5)
Long awaited residency program granted
(May 5)
MUSC nurses ‘rock’ on path to
excellence (May 5)
Wellness program named Health First
(May 5)
Recipients shine during governor’s
volunteer awards (May 5)
Meet...Phil (May 5)
MUSC nurses fight to save lupus
research (April 28)
Screenings for speech, hearing to
be held (April 28)
CTSA workshops to pursue NIH initiative
(April 28)
Medicaid information, perceived
impact update (April 28)
Awards celebrate community service
(April 28)
Health care volunteer week under
way (April 28)
Meet...Stevie (April 28)
Currents (April 28)
MUSC honored with award-winning
program (April 28)
Volunteer programs need your help
(April 28)
Public Safety statistics from April 7
- 13 (April 28)
First MUSC endowment for psychiatry
announced (April 21)
Earth Day to be celebrated Saturday,
April 22 (April 21)
YES Campaign needs you
(April 21)
Public Safety statistics from March
31 - April 6 (April 21)
Low vision program renews hope for sight
(April 21)
Blue ribbon symbolizes abuse prevention
(April 21)
SGA president honored with diversity
award (April 21)
Mental Health: Disparities and
Legislation (April 21)
When traveling abroad, be smart
(April 21)
Transplant surgeon recognized for
contribution to MUSC, patients (April 21)
Meet...Anand (April 21)
Reducing stress through exercise
(April 21)
Nobel researcher visits students, MUSC
family (April 21)
Sunset Rotary Club gives $2,500 to
fund advanced education for nursing (April 14)
MUSC works to identify,
eliminate drug effects (April 14)
Patrol recognizes employees with award
(April 14)
Meet...Susan (April 14)
Children's Health Group focuses on
fitness (April 14)
Health Information Privacy, Security
Week April 9 - 15 (April 14)
PLS awarded Chapter of the Year
(April 14)
Happy 40th anniversary College of
Health Professions (April 14)
IOP model helps calm, assist
patients (April 14)
MUSC Presidential Scholars
announced for 2006-07 (April 14)
CAD urged to improve cancer screening
(April 14)
Rumor Mill separates fact from fiction
(April 14)
Public Safety statistics from March
24 - 30 (April 14)
WISE program
recruits women into surgery (April 14)
Nursing leadership paramount to
clinical research success (April 7)
Early diagnosis key to treating facial
paralysis (April 7)
MUSC's unique features critical to SACS
(April 7)
Library to offer classes on how to
navigate eJournals online (April 7)
Child Life's presence helps patients,
families (April 7)
Free cancer screenings to be offered
April 21 (April 7)
Meet...Cindy (April 7)
PAS team are frontline ambassadors
(April 7)
Currents (April 7)
Avoid causing stress on joints
(April 7)
MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
(April 7)
Public Safety statistics from March 17
- 23 (April 7)
Mental Health: Disparities and
Legislation (April 7)
Medical Center PACU nurse dies March 18
(March 31)
Transplant social workers part of
team effort (March 31)
MUSC brings home awards in television,
radio spots (March 31)
Bowie’s return boosts specialized eye
care statewide (March 31)
Parking fines to increase April 1
(March 31)
Governor declares March purchasing month
(March 31)
DAISY winner described as role model
(March 31)
Dean Ripich accepts Univ of New England
presidency (March 31)
Meet...Peggy (March 31)
Reed embodies dedication to community
(March 31)
Start with 5 A Day begins healthier
eating habits (March 31)
Screenings for alcohol disorders
to be held (March 31)
Health disparities, legislation to
focus on women (March 31)
Currents (March 31)
DCU expertise manages stroke trials,
research (March 24)
MUSC opens new dental simulation lab
(March 24)
Web DCU creator creates niche for
collaboration (March 24)
Colonoscopy important part of
screening (March 24)
AHEC offering minorities health career
opportunities (March 24)
Workers help patients to develop
balance (March 24)
Sugar free products may have dangers
(March 24)
Meet...Nathan (March 24)
Sex, status, success: Why hold back?
(March 24)
Commission recognizes Crisis
Ministries with Service Learning Award (March 24)
Cooper River Bridge Run T-shirts
travel to Peru (March 24)
Rumor Mill separates fact from fiction
(March 24)
Letter to the Editor (March 24)
Scholars study health disparities,
immigrant legislation (March 24)
Public Safety statistics from March 3
- 9 (March 24)
Researchers develop vaccine to
protect against Ebola virus (March 17)
Former registrar, tour guide dies
March 3 (March 17)
Physician honored as finalist for
humanism (March 17)
Free testing, information for diabetes
risk factors offered (March 17)
Bariatric surgery receives
designation (March 17)
Pediatric social workers: help
starts here (March 17)
Innovative treatments for liver
cancer available (March 17)
Evaluating SACS
reaffirmation of accreditation process, timeline (March 17)
Meet...Christine (March 17)
Bonding reality with healthy choices
(March 17)
Artificial sweeteners: friend or
foe? (March 17)
Rabbi Neuberger to speak on Care of
Dying March 20 (March 17)
Letter to the editor (March 17)
Public Safety statistics from Feb. 24
- March 2 (March 17)
Currents (March 10)
Women in nursing contribute to
communities (March 10)
MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
(March 10)
Meet...Maria (March 10)
Lab Animal Resources supervisor dies
(March 10)
Spices may aid digestion, add
nutritional value to diet (March 10)
Role of social worker critical to family
(March 10)
New corneal transplantation technique
offers fewer risks (March 10)
Childhood developmental
disabilities subject of March 17 conference (March 10)
Healthy development starts early
(March 10)
Eye institute hosts annual NEI meeting
(March 10)
Seizure assist dog proves perfect
match for Goose Creek resident (March 3)
Award program brings out all smiles
(March 3)
When do social workers step in to help?
(March 3)
Vegetarian diet can meet nutrition needs
(March 3)
MUSC Web sites being improved to
assist people with disabilities (March 3)
President addresses faculty during
meeting (March 3)
Meet...Janice (March 3)
Medicare Part D: A friend with
conditions (March 3)
Currents (March 3)
Art entries on display at Citadell Mall
(March 3)
Public Safety statistics from Feb. 17
- 23 (March 3)
Control your portion sizes (March
Public Safety statistics from Feb. 10
- 16 (Feb. 24)
Wound healing research spawns biotech
co. (Feb. 24)
Symposium to honor life of
biologist, Feb. 24 (Feb. 24)
Storm Eye Institute opens clinic in
Goose Creek (Feb. 24)
Teachers gain insight by shadowing
experience (Feb. 24)
Nominations being accepted for
Earl B. Higgins Award (Feb. 24)
DCRI celebrates its first year of
existence (Feb. 24)
Meet...Paul (Feb. 24)
Be aware of macular degeneration
(Feb. 24)
MUSC employees may qualify for
earned income tax credit (Feb. 24)
Currents (Feb. 24)
Employee program brings ‘Wellness
Wednesday’ (Feb. 24)
March is National Nutrition Month
(Feb. 24)
Merged dept. attracts
neurosurgeon/researcher (Feb. 17)
Nominations being accepted for
teaching awards (Feb. 17)
Peds burn team provides highly
specialized care (Feb. 17)
Healthy Heart Month to focus on new
fitness program (Feb. 17)
Scleroderma Foundation awards
grant for research (Feb. 17)
Children’s Hospital announces quarterly
customer service shining star (Feb. 17)
MUHA offers training sessions for
employees (Feb. 17)
Meet...Rose (Feb. 17)
Heart care program reaches out to women
(Feb. 17)
Currents (Feb. 17)
Wellness Center staff to offer
screenings (Feb. 17)
DDC hosts international workshop on
computer simulation (Feb. 17)
Public Safety statistics from Feb. 3
- 9 (Feb. 17)
not only cause of burn injuries (Feb. 10)
Hollings partner to fight breast cancer (Feb. 10)
Meet...Sherry (Feb. 10)
research data ownership, record retention policy revised (Feb. 10)
nurse receives MUSC DAISY Award (Feb. 10)
Recycle program wants your old cell
phone (Feb. 10)
Car seat inspections to be offered
by safety technicians Feb. 13, 14 (Feb. 10)
Grant prepares clinical investigators
(Feb. 10)
Happy 30th birthday, Storm Eye
Institute (Feb. 10)
Wellness program searching for new
name (Feb. 10)
2005 Trident United Way Donors (Feb.
Program offers nutritional class,
realistic goals (Feb. 10)
Public Safety statistics from Jan. 27
- Feb. 2 (Feb. 10)
On her own: infant benefits from new
surgical approach (Feb. 3)
MUSC joins RecycleMania competition
(Feb. 3)
SGA gives update on parking, health care
(Feb. 3)
Presidential Scholar Program
seek nominees (Feb. 3)
Class introducing Linux command line to
begin (Feb. 3)
Rumor Mill separates fact from fiction
(Feb. 3)
LSU researcher resettles after Katrina
(Feb. 3)
Meet...Jill (Feb. 3)
Training courses offered by MUSC HRM
(Feb. 3)
MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
(Feb. 3)
‘Caring for More than Just the
Sickness’ Magnet essay (Feb. 3)
Public Safety statistics from Jan. 20
- 26 (Feb. 3)
COM dean addresses students, faculty
(Feb. 3)
Comprehensive services key to
breast cancer patients (Jan. 27)
Interprofessional day encourages
interaction (Jan. 27)
Delegges find balance to promote
better care (Jan. 27)
Health Connection, Meduline a vital
link (Jan. 27)
Mentor program teams seniors, students
(Jan. 27)
Meet...Thorne (Jan. 27)
Currents (Jan. 27)
Public Safety statistics from Jan. 6
- 19 (Jan. 27)
Research sheds light on cancer
progression (Jan. 27)
HCC among first centers to participate
in landmark radiation therapy study (Jan. 20)
Makeovers help patients gain
confidence (Jan. 20)
Prenatal care promotes health,
saves money (Jan. 20)
Thinking globally but acting locally:
the case of SC's children (Jan. 20)
In vitro cultured meat: no cows
needed (Jan. 20)
Clinical Trials Office praised for
dedication (Jan. 20)
Meet...Peggy (Jan. 20)
NSICU specializes in acute brain
injuries (Jan. 20)
Nominations being accepted for
teaching awards (Jan. 20)
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King's
life (Jan. 20)
Look for foods with no trans fat
(Jan. 20)
MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
(Jan. 20)
Public Safety statistics from Dec. 30
- Jan. 5 (Jan. 20)
Volunteers share role at
Children’s Hospital (Jan. 13)
Preventing cancer: not as hard as
you think (Jan. 13)
Faculty nominations needed for
program (Jan. 13)
Students engage in
interprofessional education initiative (Jan. 13)
Students urged to apply for fall
program (Jan. 13)
Nominations being accepted for Earl
B. Higgins Award (Jan. 13)
DiPiro provides update for SCCP future
(Jan. 13)
Currents (Jan. 13)
Children's Hospital, DCRI
specialize in adolescence (Jan. 13)
Meet...Aleah (Jan. 13)
Researcher to hold John C. West
Endowed Chair (Jan. 13)
Waring Historical Library adds new
(Jan. 6)
Scrub away your troubles: wipe that
hard disk clean (Jan. 6)
Public Safety statistics from Dec. 9 -
15 (Jan. 6)
MUSC honors cardiology director's
legacy with new endowed chair (Jan. 6)
S.C. program becomes national model
(Jan. 6)
Lose to Win contest to begin Jan. 12
(Jan. 6)
Diagnostic reading room gets
makeover (Jan. 6)
Risk lowered for heart disease, stroke
with glucose control (Jan. 6)
Meet...Jay (Jan. 6)
Registration being accepted for PACT
(Jan. 6)
DAISY Award winners receive recognition
(Jan. 6)
MUSC makes major advance in
understanding antibiotic resistance (Jan. 6)
Catalyst Online is published weekly,
as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at
or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to
Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to To place an ad in The Catalyst hardcopy, call Island
Publication at 849-1778, ext. 201.